jueves, 8 de enero de 2015

Ground cover for shade areas


When the ground is dry ...

The most difficult areas to populate with plants are those in the shade is accompanied by a dry soil.
These are located near the walls, especially if there are vines.
The roots and foundation avid of water create a strip of dry land about approximate feet wide.
Another critical place is under trees with shallow roots, that extract large amounts of water from the topsoil
lamium maculatus
lamium maculatus

When the ground is dry ...

Plants that are adapted to grow in the shade and dry soil are: Lamium, vincas and ivy.
There are two plants called Lamium, the Lamium maculatum spotted silver leaves and pink flowers, which also has a variety of gold leaf and argentia Galeobdolon a perennial green and silver foliage with yellow flowers. both tolerate the cold.


The vinca are also used two: Vinca major that reaches a height of 25 cm. Very appropriate for covering large areas and Vinca minor, smaller leaves and lower height.
Both have lilac blue flowers appear from spring to autumn that are not always under a very dense shade.


Under the dense shadows, performs very well ivy; useful ground cover until it finds a vertical surface that serves as a support for climbing.
In it you have to take special care of the trees. The best ground ivy upholstery usually those of small and completely green leaves.
There is a special plant for its unbeatable desire of survival, it is known as "Wig", the way they take their whole sprigs fine erect and its scientific name is.
The leaves are small and have a purple underside. It grows in sun or shade and drought resistant but is sensitive to cold. You can play easily by cuttings.

For moist soils ...

If the soil has some moisture shading may be grown many species, including Dichoondra repens, the most resistant of all traffic ground cover. It is sown at the rate of 10 grams of seed per square meter, but can also be achieved in breads. The key to a moist soil cultivation, if under such conditions supports very well the sun.
other ground cover plants Ajuga reptans is very noble, with its varieties or even stained green leaves with white and violet. The dark shapes shade tolerant.


Violets are the more traditional ground cover. Its small flowers that appear from winter to spring is a treasure.
The secret of good crop land is to have a fluffy, rich, moist, where water does not accumulate. To achieve this you can add peat and compost to the soil.

Salvia procurrens

Duchesnea indica

Commelina virginica

Perennials that grow in shade

Many plants and flowers are shade -loving perennial , coming back year after year with little or no attention . Plant them for a low maintenance garden and naturalize an area , filling it with a mass of foliage. Monkshood , goutweed , Ajuga , bugloss , lily of the valley , Woodruff and hostas are perennials that prefer partial to full shade and grow in the garden. Plant them in the garden in the shade of trees or shrubs surrounding , among the largest trees in a mixed perennial and annual garden or in pots to a shady gazebo or covered patio.
Annual plants growing in the shade
Many annual plants need full sun to grow and survive, but there are many plants that love the shade. Annual shade tolerant need bright filtered light to grow well and probably stunted if planted in deep shade. The Impatiens and begonias are flowers that grow in shade and caladium and coleus are beautiful foliage plants that burn and suffer if left in the sun without any protection.

Other plants that love the shade

The dappled shade of the forests are the natural habitat of most ferns. They grow well in the landscape along the forested areas in the north side of the house and in the shadow of rock gardens . Ferns need coarse soil with organic matter such as fallen leaves and wet environment , but some ferns are drought tolerant . They grow from spores , not seeds, so they are easier to establish from seedlings or seedlings . Ferns growing in shade are maidenhair fern lady, rattlesnake fern , ostrich fern , cinnamon fern and Christmas fern .
Many types of plants and flowers growing in the shade, including grasses , bulbs, plants and creepers . Native plants of a tropical rainforest environment grow best in filtered light under the trees. A huge variety of plants grow in shaded areas and courtyards shaded by full landscapes. Astilbe, malanga , orchids , bamboo, sedge grasses, climbing hydrangea , clematis and ivy boston need shelter from strong direct sunlight and protected habitat to survive.

The landscape designer Susan Redmond of Stonegate Gardens in Lincoln, Massachusetts, quotes serpentine (Liriope) as the best bet for shade. This low maintenance plant has variegated leaves and delicate flowers adds color lavender in late spring and summer. Known as monkey grass, this land cover is a safe bet for areas difficult to grow in the garden.

Lenten Rose

The Cooperative Extension Service, University of Arkansas recommends Lenten Rose (Helleborus orientalis) for shady spots. This high ground cover is 12 to 18 inches (30-45 cm) tall and gives color to the garden in late winter. Resistant zones 4-9, this perennial that loves the shade gives white or pink flowers, and has large dark green leaves.

Japanese spurge

The Department of Extension, University of Illinois cites Japanese spurge (Pachysandra terminalis) and full shade loving plant. Mature plants reach 6 to 8 inches (15-20 cm) high, and its foliage is bright green with white, giving scented flowers in spring. This evergreen plant is suitable for use under shallow-rooted trees and thrives in moist soil.

The gardenia is a plant native to Asia, but has become a cover crop staple in the United States, especially in the southeast. Gardenias are plants that grow well ideal coverage in full sun, however, grow in full shade, which makes gardenia shade-tolerant vegetation. Gardenia hedges are valued for their fragrant white flowers. The blooms are produced from mid-spring through summer. The foliage is evergreen. Plant it in good soil with good drainage. Water it every other day; Gardenias require moist soil. Gardenias grow on average 2-8 feet (60 cm to 2.4 m) tall.


The boxwood hedge plants are popular in America. Boxwood is resistant to most soil types and climates. Drought tolerant, boxwood grows well in warm climates are in the Midwest or Southeast. The Korean boxwood, a variety of cold weather resistant through cold winters. As a perennial, boxwood features green foliage all year. Boxwood shrubs are shade tolerant. Boxwood has a shallow root system; placed mulch around the base of plants to protect the roots from freezing in the winter.


The dogwood is a deciduous hedge that is used in the United States. During the winter when the leaves fall from the plant, the branches are bright red, adding color throughout the winter. During the spring, green leaves and large white flowers appear. Dogwoods are shade tolerant and prefer partial shade conditions. These fences are 6 feet (1.8 m) high; no pruning, can reach 12 feet (3.6 m) high.


Hydrangeas are excellent hedges. As perennials, these plants produce large collections of flowers in shades of pink, blue, white and purple. Hydrangeas, especially in warm climates, prefer to be planted in partial shade. They can reach more than 10 feet (3 m) tall if not pruned properly. In use for hedging, hydrangeas should be pruned regularly, keeping the same height along the fence. Plant them in good soil with good drainage. Hydrangeas are deciduous plants and bloom through the spring and into the fall. The soil with a high pH will cause bright flowers tinged with pink. Soil with high aluminum and low pH produces blue flowers. Purple and white flowers depend on the variety and occur when the soil is balanced.

Plants shade gardening lovers


La aspidistra, o planta de hierro fundido (aspidistra elatior), crece en la sombra densa en los jardines de Houston. Es una planta de follaje, con hojas anchas de color verde oscuro que crece a 20 pulgadas (50 cm) de altura y añade un toque tropical al jardín. Elígela para sombra seca, ya que no tolera los suelos anegados. Es una de las pocas plantas de sombra que prospera bajo la densa sombra del árbol de roble de hoja perenne.


El caladium (caladium bicolor) crece de tubérculos como bulbos sembrados a principios de la primavera. Es estrictamente una planta de follaje con hojas con forma de corazón multicolores de blanco, verde, rosado o rojo. Son utilizadas para bordes coloridos o como plantas de recipiente y crecen en sombra densa y moteada. Caerán en el calor del verano sin la suficiente humedad.


Cultiva el coleo (scutellarioides Solenostemon) por su colorido follaje. Estas plantas arbustivas crecen en sombra densa, abigarrada o parcial, dependiendo de la variedad y alcanzan una altura de 4 pies (1,22 m) de altura con un ancho de 3 pies (0,91 m) de propagación. Las hojas son generalmente abigarradas y coloreadas con borgoña, rojo, amarillo, morado o naranja. Los tallos son frágiles y se rompen fácilmente en lugares con mucho viento. Puede ser podada de nuevo para crear una planta más arbustiva.


La hortensia (Hydrangea macrophylla) crece hasta 6 pies (1,83 m) de altura y ancho. Las floraciones de 8 pulgadas (20,32 cm) de ancho son en realidad un conjunto de cientos de diminutas flores de color rosado, azul, verde o blanco, dependiendo de la variedad. Se dan mejor si son cultivadas en suelo húmedo modificado con materia orgánica y protegidas del sol de la tarde.


Las nomeolvides (impatiens wallerana) son cultivadas como una planta anual en Houston. Se convierten en patilargas al crecer en la sombra si no son podadas regularmente. Sin embargo, tienen una floración confiable, produciendo flores de 1 a 2 pulgadas (2,54 a 5,08 cm) de ancho de color rosado, naranja, rojo o blanco durante toda la temporada. Deben ser protegidas del sol de la tarde caliente o incluso se marchitarán si se les suministra humedad adicional.
Australian tree fern

The Australian tree fern, lacy or land of Queen (cyathea cooperi) growing on a plant in a tree 10 feet (3.05 m) tall, with a trunk and fern leaves or fronds growing from the top five feet (1.52 m) extending outward. It thrives in shady, damp places and is used as a specimen plant in Houston.

Flowering Maple

Flowering maple (Abutilon hybridum) is a flowering shrub with maple-like leaves. It grows in shady places up to 4 feet (1.22 m) tall with some varieties reaching 10 feet (3.05 m) tall. The long-lasting flowers, flared red or white, yellow make this an exceptional choice. Flowering maple does not tolerate direct sun but thrives in dappled shade. It is often used as a houseplant in colder climates.

garden jardin
garden jardin
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